Student Solution


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Operation Management-Discussion

Operation Management-Discussion

Q Download and fill in the Queue Template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for this assignment. Choose a queue type, including any assumptions / calculations you made for input parameters. In addition, provide your average waiting time in the system (W) Answer the following: • What were your tradeoff considerations / variables? • Now assume that your cost of waiting increases to $6, does that change your selected queue? Why or why not? Based on the given dataset, I have selected the M/M/S type of queue option.

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The costs of serving and costs of waiting are the two tradeoffs in considerations. When an organization hires the servers, then the costs of service of that organization increases due to the salary and compensation of those servers and those costs are referred as the service costs. On the other hand, if the customers are waiting too long in the queue then they may leave without buying, or buy, but never return ("Queues"). This type of costs is referred as the waiting costs.